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Monday, November 15, 2010

Wish and Prayer Tree Ideas

How did wish and prayer trees get started?

Wish and Prayer Trees

If you are planning your wedding, anniversary party, special fund raising event or special occasion why not purchase or make your own Wish/Prayer or Congratulations tree?   Wish and prayer trees are not new, in fact the idea goes back to the days where folklore and family traditions were plentiful.  Coins were used instead of the hang tags we use today (see picture of the old tradition below).

Today brides/grooms, families and friends make or purchase wish or prayer trees to have their guests write on a card and provide a wedding, anniversary or special occasion wish for the appropriate venue.  These can be kept in a scrapbook, wedding album or as a keepsake from your friends and family or charity attendees.

On Isle Maree in Loch Maree, Gairloch, in the Highlands is an oak wish tree made famous by a visit in 1877 by Queen Victoria, and its inclusion in her published diaries. The tree, and others surrounding it, are festooned with hammered-in coins. It is near the healing well of St. Maree, to which votive offerings were made, including the sacrificing of bulls, which continued up to 18th century, according to records.


      To Read more about the Wish Tree history click here

Prayer trees can be used for religious holidays, a childs room (hang their prayers on their prayer tree), religious events (weddings, bar mitzvah, baby shower, sick loved ones hospital or hospice room, church events or funerals).


To purchase a Wish or Prayer tree, visit www.wishandprayertrees.com.